Rochester Downtown Alliance Grant
It’s official: we are a 2023 Rochester Downtown Alliance grant recipient!
Presenting in front of more than 50 people shouldn't have been nerve-wracking for Michele Ensign, a former schoolteacher comfortable talking to groups. But Ensign never had to ask for thousands of dollars in front of a crowd before Wednesday.
Hers was one of 10 groups vying for money through the Rochester Downtown Alliance (RDA) long-running Start-Up Event program, which changed up the application process this year. The RDA hosted a pitch night during which applicants persuaded a panel of judges, like those on ABC's "Shark Tank," to fund their plans for events and activities in downtown Rochester…
Ensign, whose 8-year-old son is nonverbal autistic, is the creator behind Autism Resource Guide, which helps connect families with special needs in southeastern Minnesota to local resources.
She's setting up Sensory Sensitive Saturday on May 20... for children who might find other family events in Rochester too overstimulating.
Rochester Downtown Alliance
All 10 Start-Up Event Grant presentations funded at Pitch Night